A Land of Timeless Traditions and Scenic Beauty

Arittapatti - First Biodiversity Heritage Site


Biodiversity Amidst Fragility

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Bird watching

Jain History

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Arittapatti stands as a testament to the rich natural, cultural and historical narrative of Tamilnadu, offering invaluable insights into a diverse ecosystem. It is the only biodiversity heritage site of the state under conservation. The bio diversity heritage site covers a vast area extending from the villages of Arittapatti to Meenakshipuram including reserve forest. The local pastoral community continues their day to day activity by worshipping trees, grazing, fishing, gathering natural vegetation and honey collection. The site of visit is approximately 3 – 4kms circuitous route covering barren hillocks with springs, rock shelters and ponds. Birds of Prey can be spotted in the rocky terrain. Endemic plants dot the landscape. It is a hotspot destination for nature lovers.

Arittapatti - SightSeeing

Arittapatti is a notable birdwatching site in Tamil Nadu, India, renowned for its diverse avian species. The area attracts enthusiasts with its blend of habitats supporting both resident and migratory birds.

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